Friday, August 12, 2011

The "Why?"

For much of my life, I have had this feeling of needing to flee every so often. Not flee as in to run away from something bad, but as an escape from the routine, that which is known. I guess I would call it an innate restlessness. I was that kid in church whose mom kept on telling them to "sit still and behave yourself!" But this kid was so anxious to be doing something, anything, else that they just fidgeted in their seat until finally the sermon was over. The preacher would end the closing prayer with "And all Gods' people say..." and while the congregation would resound with an "Amen!", I would mumble "finally" and be out the door before anyone could blink an eye. That specific real-life example can be translated generally as a constant trait throughout much of my life. The only difference is how it manifested itself, as the scenery and surroundings have changed quite a bit. 

Now, at the ripe old age of 24, I can look back on the last few years of my life and see this "flee phenomenon" rise up again and again. It has all resulted in a constant change of location, or at least change of daily routine. In the past 3 years I have spent 1 year studying in Germany, traveling much of Europe and completing my bachelors degree, 1 year completing my masters degree (voll Stipendium, Gottseidank!, sonst haette ich das mir nicht leisten koennen), 3 months visiting friends throughout europe, 3 months working as an au pair for a french family in Manhattan, and 6 months working for a German company in international sales splitting that time between the 2 coasts of the US. The next 6 months will see me working on two different continents, europe and south america. After that, it's anybody's guess. I am not sure whether routine scares me, the unknown draws me, or if it is some combination of both. If I were a betting woman, which I am when it's someone else's money, I would put their money on the last option.

Since I have a history of doing, seeing, exploring and experiencing new things, and since I also have the conspicuous ability to forget things that I've previously done, seen, explored and experienced, I thought it advisable to keep a record of some of the highlights. That is what this blog will be. I hope to sketch out new experiences, interesting tidbits, or even just thoughts that I am mulling over at the time. In the case that it proves interesting to anyone else, it is here for others to find. More to come soon,

Restless T.

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